Our Kids
At the moment Josuha’s orphanage is home to 21 children. Their stories are incredible, very individual and often quite sad. We’re more than pleased and certainly happy, we managed to get these kids off the streets and provide them a reliable home with us.

Abdou‘s dad died from Ebola before he was born. His mother, being a widow, suffering from a severe illness, tried to manage life with her little boy. But living in miserable conditions in the suburbs, she couldn‘t really provide the basic needs for him. Abdou‘s mom is more than grateful for having found a loving new home for him where he can live happily, grow up as a respected boy and go to school, to have a better life then she ever had. When he grows up Abdou wants to be a chef and is thus spending plenty of time in the kitchen to learn what it takes.

After her dad passed away, when Aicha was only six months old, her mom worked as a house keeper. The little salary she earned was just enough to ensure daily meals, but far from enough to allow Aicha to visit a school. Knowing that she couldn’t offer her girl what she needed and in order to make sure Aicha would get a proper education, her mom approached Josuha’s team. We’re happy she did so and can tell that Aicha enjoys going to school and hopefully has a bright future ahead of her.

Before coming to the orphanage at the age of 4, Armand was neglected by his parents and suffered from severe malnutrition. In a rebel fight back in 2001 in Gueckédou his dad got hit by a bullet and since then has been incapable to support his family. Therefore Armand was left with his aunt who runs a little shop full-time, but just couldn‘t manage to provide even for basic needs, such as food and education for Armand and other family members. Josuha and his team were more than happy to welcome Armand to the foundation three years ago and to make sure, he can live the life he deserves and aspires! Armand dreams of becoming a fire fighter so he can save lives and help people in need.

Catherine’s parents split up when her dad became mentally ill. She was only a toddler when this happened. Suffering from the broken marriage Catherine’s mom left her with her grand mother. But the living conditions got even worse for Catherine, the old lady couldn’t even afford her own life. Most of the time the money received didn’t even cover costs for a meal for the day. Before coming to the orphanage Catherine had never seen a class room from the inside. Today she’s a really good student and our little sunshine. She loves taking care of her “siblings” and make sure everything’s always in order. So we guess that she got everything it takes to follow her dream and become a police woman one day.

Damarice’s parents were still kids when she was born and split up shortly after. At the age of only 15 her birth mother had neither the experience, nor the financial possibilities, to take care of a child. Thus she took her baby and went from door to door begging for food. Damarice’s mom related all her own problems on her. In the end there was plenty of frustration, anger and lots of neglecting involved. At Josuha Guilavogui Foundation Damarice has finally found the loving home and family she never had. She loves going to school and wants to become a doctor, so she can help people in need when she grows up.

Death trough Ebola. This is what happened to Etienne’s parents and made him live with his grandmother. She had no work and was struggling a lot to take care of the little boy. Instead of going to school, Etienne was strolling the streets to find food. When he arrived at our orphanage he had very little self esteem and felt ashamed of his origins. By now, he’s finally and truly arrived in Josuha’s “family”. Etienne has become a happy little boy, who can finally enjoy his childhood surrounded by loving people. And guess what? Etienne is a real pro when it comes to organising and planning things and later wants to work in administration.

Facely’s dad died when the boy was only one year old. Two years later his mom – being totally overwhelmed with the responsibility – left him with his uncle, who already had 18 children with various wives. Not very surprising that he couldn’t afford taking care of all the kids. Although he was a hard working man his salary just wasn’t enough to support a family of this size. The next school was about 40km away from the village and so Facely tried to work and earn some money to support the family instead of going to school. When Josuha’s team heard about this, they didn’t hesitate any second to offer Facely a place in the orphanage, where he can attend the school and live his best life so far. Facely wants to become a politician. His dream is to become head of state in order to change the world and improve life standards in Guinea. He for sure got our vote!

Fatoumata Binta
Together with her parents and five siblings, Fatoumata lived in a single room house in Conakry. Her father’s salary wasn’t even enough to buy food for the family every day. The lack of regular food led to malnutrition for Fatoumata and her brothers and sisters. The living conditions in the house further were so bad that one could definitely call it a threat to health. Fatoumata Binta was lucky enough to be found by Josuha’s team and can now enjoy three meals per day, with plenty of space for her own, live a nice and healthy life in the orphanage. She’s a very good student and wants to become a lawyer when she grows up. To help people in need and stand up for equality and fairness.

Faya Eugene
Faya Eugene’s mom suffers from cancer and is terminally ill. This may be a result of an unhappy, unhealthy life and a marriage filled with conflicts. Due to the ongoing tensions at home, Faya Eugene was neglected and not sent to school. His parents rarely showed affection which led to Faya suffering from behavioural problems and very little self-confidence. We’re happy, we found out about the boy and were able to bring him to our home, where Josuha’s team show him loving care, support him in his personal development and aim to show him, there is a better way of life. Faya Eugene wants to become a doctor to support the community and cure sick people like his mom.

Finda Elisa
Finda Elisa’s father had six wives and 17 kids of which none went to school. No surprise that feeding this big family has been an issue for her father, therefore Elisa often was roaming the streets searching for food. For Elisa that search has finally come to an end. We’re happy to have her and to offer the beautiful little girl the worry-free life she deserves.

Ibrahima Kaba
The story of Ibrahima is a really sad one. His mom suffered from a mental illness and was sexually abused by Ibrahima’s biological father. 9 months later the little boy was born. A result of violence and abuse. Nevertheless, his grandmother tried to take care of him and his ill mother, but life was hard for the old lady. Her small salary just didn’t enable a proper life. Going to school was something Ibrahima Kaba didn’t even dare to dream of. But that changed now! He really enjoys life at the orphanage and loves going to school. In fact he never wants to leave school again: he wants to become a teacher one day.

Koma is an orphan who lived with her uncle, a farmer in Watanka in the countryside of Guinea. Life in that region is very simple with no proper infrastructure, no sanitary and no schools. Not being aware of the importance of education Koma‘s uncle didn‘t bother to send her to school. When Josuha’s team found out about Koma they didn‘t hesitate to explain the importance of school, knowledge and agreed to take the beautiful girl to Conakry and to make sure she gets everything she needs. Today Koma is a really good student, eager to learn every day. Her dream is to also work as a teacher one day.

Marie Leno
Marie’s dad left the family when she was still a baby. Some time later also her mom left to look for a better life in a region far away. Her plan didn’t really work out. After leaving Marie Leno and her little brother Marie’s mom ended up working as a prostitute. Probably not the life she had been dreaming of. When her mother left, Marie’s uncle Thomas – only 17 years old – tried to take care of the two kids. But having problems finding work, Thomas was more and more driven into a state of drug and alcohol addiction. As Marie Leno couldn’t rely on her uncle she started to roam the streets to ask people for help and beg for food… Marie now dreams of owning a little shop one day and to earn money to offer a good life to her family and friends.

When his parents didn’t come back home after a trip, Mohamed’s grandmother took care of him. Having somehow lost his parents at the age of one, little Mohamed grew up in rather poor circumstances. There were even times when he and his grandmother didn’t have a place to live as the old lady couldn’t manage to earn enough money to pay the rent. Due to this unbearable life conditions, the relationship between Mohamed and his grandmother got worse and worse, which finally led to the boy leaving home to move into a military camp that at least allowed for food every day. Back then Mohamed was only 7 years old. When Josuha’s team found out about the little boy, they immediately took action to bring him into the orphanage, where he found a new home. Mohamed’s biggest passion is football and he’s dreaming of becoming a professional player one day. Just like his idol, Josuha Guilavogui.

Already being an orphan at an early age, Mustapha was raised by his mothers’ sister. Life wasn’t easy for the family as her husband had 4 more wives and probably countless kids. They were always short on money. Very often, it wasn’t even enough to provide food. As a little boy Mustapha has already been experiencing a lot of rejection and very little love. This shall be different now that he’s arrived at Josuha Guilavogui Foundation. We’re happy to have him and make sure Mustapha can enjoy his childhood, grow up in supporting conditions.

Paul’s parents got separated and left him when he was only two years old. His uncle, a physically handicapped man, took him, but – due to his incapabilities to work – had incredible difficulties to really take care and support him. Unfortunately, there were no other adults or relatives that could possibly have taken this role. Before coming to the orphanage, Paul spent the majority of his time roaming the streets of his village looking for food and ways to survive. Today Paul is a happy boy and beloved member of the Guilavogui Foundation family, and dreams of working as a police officer one day.

Pierre Kamano
Pierre lost his dad when he was one year old. His polygamous mom earned her money from day to day, selling products at the market of Coyah, where Pierre Kamano had to support her, instead of going to school. The market and streets of Coyah are no safe place for children. Every day he was exposed to risks of aggression, abuse and of course child labor. Now, being part of the Josuha Guilavogui foundation Pierre can finally enjoy his childhood, go to school and being safe and in beloved surroundings. One of his favourite places at the orphanage is the kitchen and he wants to be a chef one day.

Salematou’s father was partially paralysed and left the young family to go back to his home village. Her mother was only 16 when she got married to her 40 years older husband and was more then overwhelmed when he left her. So she moved in with her sister to have a place to live, while she tried to continue her professional training. The sister was more or less alone with little Salematou, as her mother was gone all day and couldn’t really manage to take care of the little girl. Since she was born Salematou didn’t receive the attention and love she would have needed. No surprise she’s suffering huge abandonment fears. She now has found a new family. One that loves, takes care and appreciates her.

Sia Mama
Sia Mama’s parents neglected her from the very beginning. That’s why her grandmother tried to take care of her. The grandmother had a little business in the streets of the city. Sia Mama was always with her and thus basically more or less grew up on the streets, where she was under constant risk of abuse, child labor or simple aggression. Now Sia Mama has finally found her new home. A real home, where she can relax and enjoy her childhood. Where she can play, be with other kids and learn! And of course, do everything to make her dream of becoming a doctor possible.

Tewa Sitta
Tewa’s mom died from Ebola when she was only one year old. Her father is lost. Apparently he had tried to flee to Europe but no one has ever heard of him since he left. After her dad’s disappearance Tewa’s grandmother took care of the little girl. The old lady had lost her husband and 5 other family members to Ebola and was clearly scarred for life. Every day was challenging and food was short. Just like many of the other orphans at Guilavogui foundation Tewa Sitta had never visited a school before. Today she’s one of our best students and wants to work as a teacher when she grows up.

Before arriving at the foundation Thierno’s life was as difficult as it can get. His dad died before he was born and his mom passed away while giving birth to him. Although his grandmother was an old homeless woman, sleeping in streets, she tried to take care of Thierno. Both lived from the little money she received from begging. Thanks to Josuha Guilavogui foundation Thierno finally found a home and a place to enjoy his childhood. When he grows old he wants to work in administration.

Bintou Onivogui
Bintou was previously in another orphanage. It was during our visits to help partner orphanages that Bintou became fond of a member of our team. Each time she left, she would hold her back to prevent her from leaving. It was therefore in agreement with our partner that we decided to take her for a few weeks within our foundation. Love is surprising, it has many forms and is often unpredictable. Now Bintou is part of our family and remains as close as ever to Thérèse.

Fanta Bah
Fanta is our first baby.
It was early in the evening that her single mother had the courage to knock on our door to entrust us with this little angel. When she arrived, Fanta was not yet able to walk. She immediately became the center of attention for everyone. Fanta, our youngest, has changed the life of our foundation. We are all big sisters, big brothers, mother and father